Sometimes when you connect to a station, you will find that the previous operator left the radio in a wonky state. Then you're stuck reconfiguring the radio while the clock is ticking away.
Operating Profiles solve this problem by letting you define a personalized set of radio controls that are instantly set up when you connect to the station.
Operating profiles are saved to your personal account in the cloud, and are synced across all your browser sessions, so you only need to set them up once.
If you are already familiar with the concept of "profiles" in Flex radios, please note that this is not the same feature. Operating Profiles are unique to RHR, they offer a different set of features, and they are not stored on the radio.
Customizing Operating Profiles
To access operating profile settings, go to the Tools menu and select Operating Profiles.
Automatic Profiles
There are two types of operating profiles: Automatic, and Custom.
Automatic Profiles are automatically applied when you first connect to a station, and also when you change modes. These are the most common profile type. Most users will simply set a handful settings on these profiles and be done.
For example, CW operators will likely want to configure the WPM, sidetone, and filter width. Phone operators will probably want to configure the filters as well as the speech processor. And if you can't stand another thirty seconds of FT8 signals droning on, you can set the volume to 0% when in that mode.
- The SSB profile is applied for LSB and USB modes.
- The DIG profile is applied for DIGL and DIGU modes.
- The AM, CW, FM, and FT4/FT8 profiles are applied for their respective modes.
The Slice Receiver settings are applied only to the current slice. If Transmit settings are also configured, keep in mind those are global radio settings that are not unique to the slice, and hence may affect other areas of operation.
Custom Profiles
In unique operating conditions, you may want to set things up differently than the default. This is where Custom Profiles come in. You can create as many custom profiles as you want.
For example, maybe you want to set up DAX for operating with the desktop app, or enable NR and NB during noisy band conditions.
Custom Profiles are not automatically applied - they are triggered from the Profiles menu in the slice while connected to a station.
SmartSDR and Maestro
Automatic Profiles are automatically applied when using SmartSDR or Maestro.
Custom Profiles are not available when using SmartSDR or Maestro, because there is no user interface in the browser console to select them.