USB Headsets
Logitech H390 USB Headset
This inexpensive USB headset is an RHR staple. We've been using them for years, and they are reliable, cheap, and consistently get great audio reports on the air.
Radio Peripherals
FlexRadio Maestro
Operate FlexRadio stations with touchscreen controls, buttons, and knobs. Or, utilize SmartControl to gain a great VFO for operating with WebDX.
FlexRadio FlexControl USB Tuning Knob
Spin around the bands with this standalone tuning knob.
A VFO knob, CW keying interface, PTT switch, and programmable buttons in one tiny package.
Elecraft K3/0-Mini
Operate remote Elecraft and FlexRadio stations with Elecraft's remote head. It features buttons galore, a real VFO, and the warm glow of an orange LCD display.
NOTE: The RemoteRig interface box is not needed - just the K3/0-Mini, a USB cable, and the RHR Desktop App is all you need.
Deprecated Hardware
We no longer support RemoteRig interfaces for Elecraft station control.
We no longer sell the DXmate and will be phasing it out for a better CW solution.